Synopsis: "After receiving a license to kill, British Secret Service agent James Bond (Daniel Craig) heads to Madagascar, where he uncovers a link to Le Chiffre (Mads Mikkelsen), a man who finances terrorist organizations. Learning that Le Chiffre plans to raise money in a high-stakes poker game, MI6 sends Bond to play against him, gambling that their newest "00" operative will topple the man's organization."
Edit summary: This heavily cuts the Daniel Craig films together into a single movie with a Spectre-focused plot arc. It throws most of No Time To Die in the trash, there's a separate edit that uses the good parts of that film. It also disposes of all the Bond girls except for Vesper Lynd, Severine, and Madeleine to streamline the film for the shorter time and fit the plot arc. Action sequences were pared down as well, disposing of the airport terrorist, almost all of QOS, Moneypenny sniper scene and the following bond injury drama, Mexico city, Hoffler Klinik chase, and the C intelligence network drama.
This keeps a decent balance of action and drama without feeling like there's a quota of action sequences, and without bloating the runtime with drama that doesn't fit the Spectre arc. Vesper, Mr White, and Blofeld storylines are more coherent since they're no longer fragmented across multiple films with hours of unrelated filler in between.
Ver11: Remastered, minor scene adjustments
This keeps a decent balance of action and drama without feeling like there's a quota of action sequences, and without bloating the runtime with drama that doesn't fit the Spectre arc. Vesper, Mr White, and Blofeld storylines are more coherent since they're no longer fragmented across multiple films with hours of unrelated filler in between.
Ver11: Remastered, minor scene adjustments
Name | Orig Len | New Len | Download/Note (?) | Revision | Calibration (?) | File ID (?) | Src (?) |
Casino Royale (2006) | 2:24:33 | 3:28:24 | 11 | casino_royale_2006.jpg | 243 | BluRay | |
Quantum of Solace (2008) | 1:46:12 | Merged into Casino Royale (2006) | quantum_of_solace_2008.jpg | 244 | BluRay | ||
Skyfall (2012) | 2:23:10 | Merged into Casino Royale (2006) | skyfall_2012.jpg | 242 | BluRay | ||
Spectre (2015) | 2:28:06 | Merged into Casino Royale (2006) | spectre_2015.jpg | 241 | BluRay | ||
No Time To Die (2021) | 2:43:23 | Merged into Casino Royale (2006) | no_time_to_die_2021.jpg | 240 | WEB | ||
Total | 11:45:27 | 3:28:24 |