Synopsis: "Daniel Garcia is working in the family bakery and doing everything that his loving Cuban parents and siblings expect him to do, until his life changes unexpectedly on a wild Miami night with a chance encounter with a superstar model at a fancy restaurant."
Edit summary: Culled out a lot of the side plots to put more focus on the main characters' relationship rather than trying to give equal time to the rest of the family. Also some careful trims to make a couple of the side characters more likeable rather than annoying.
Ver6: Updated projects to remove mixed non-23.976 sources for easier loading
Ver6: Updated projects to remove mixed non-23.976 sources for easier loading
Full Edit List
Name | Orig Len | New Len | Download/Note (?) | Revision | Calibration (?) | File ID (?) | Src (?) |
S01E01 | 43:32 | 59:24 | 8 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e01.jpg | 451 | WEB | |
S01E02 | 42:13 | ||||||
S01E03 | 42:30 | Merged into S01E01 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e03.jpg | 450 | |||
S01E04 | 41:17 | 1:14:28 | 8 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e04.jpg | 454 | ||
S01E05 | 40:40 | Merged into S01E04 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e05.jpg | 453 | |||
S01E06 | 43:02 | Merged into S01E04 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e06.jpg | 452 | |||
S01E07 | 43:03 | 1:34:54 | 8 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e07.jpg | 455 | ||
S01E08 | 42:52 | Merged into S01E07 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e08.jpg | 457 | |||
S01E09 | 42:37 | Merged into S01E07 | the_baker_and_the_beauty_2020_s01e09.jpg | 456 | |||
Total | 6:21:48 | 3:48:47 |