Synopsis: "Star Wars is a space fantasy that follows a group of characters with special powers who participate in the struggle for the fate of the galaxy, with the Empire trying to seize control and crush the Rebellion. The series is split into three trilogies, Episode 4-6 were created first, then a prequel trilogy (Episode 1-3) was released, giving the origin story for some of those characters. Finally episodes 7-9 basically reboot the series and poorly recreate the main plot from episodes 4-6 to "continue" the series with new actors in a cash grab for a new generation."
Edit summary: Ep1: Cut a ton of Jar Jar Binks scenes and some bad CGI, heavy trims to the pod racing to improve the pace of the film.

Ep2: Cut some Jar Jar Binks scenes, some bad acting moments, a bunch of droid slapstick, and streamlines other scenes for pacing.

Ep3: Cut the missiles and buzz droids in the intro, the back half of the General Grievous fight, streamlined some of the lightsaber fights to be a little less "dramatic", and trimmed quite a bit of bad acting and dialogue.

Ep4: Cut a little bad CGI, lame lightsaber moments, lightsaber jump cuts, and a long unnecessary droid scene, plus a few trims to fix some plot holes.

Ep5: Cut the random yeti plot, the cave, and Yoda acting crazy. Trimmed a couple iconic but poorly acted moments.

Ep6: Cut some bad CGI, and some parts of the Ewok battle.

Ep7-9: Trash bin

Ver13: Remastered
Full Edit List
NameOrig LenNew LenDownload/Note (?)RevisionCalibration (?)File ID (?)Src (?)
Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)2:16:101:43:22
Project - Subs - Advanced
Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) 2:22:272:05:40
Project - Subs
Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (2005)2:20:052:06:20
Episode IV - A New Hope (1977)2:04:441:52:35
Project - Subs
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980)2:07:211:58:32
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983)2:14:472:07:46
Project - Subs
Episode VII - The Force Awakens (2015)
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017)
Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker (2019)